Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ebola survival notes

Where does it come from? which says: By looking at the virus' genetic material, researchers have found that the same Ebola virus has been carried from bats in Central Africa to bats in West Africa over the past 10 years, Gatherer said.
The virus could have been carried by bats or by people, but if it was carried by people, researchers would have expected to see cases along the way, Gatherer said. "It's probably more likely that there's an epidemic going on in bats, but we can't be absolutely certain," Gatherer said.

A SITE THAT GIVES PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: talks about how the virus spreads. Later stages: The saliva may contain the virus.

 IT SEEMS ALMOST CERTAIN TO ME THAT EBOLA CAN BE SPREAD VIA THE AIR. THE MEDIA SAYS OTHERWISE. states: An airborne disease is any disease that is caused by pathogens and transmitted through the air. Such diseases include many that are of considerable importance both in human and veterinary medicine. The relevant pathogens may be viruses, bacteria, or fungi, and they may be spread through coughing, sneezing, raising of dust, spraying of liquids, or similar activities likely to generate aerosol particles or droplets. It says that Ebola is not spread through the air. However says: The World Health Organization says blood, feces and vomit are the most infectious fluids, while the virus is found in saliva mostly once patients are severely ill. Now my question is: COULD THERE BE CASES WHERE THE PERSON IS NOT SEVERELY ILL, BUT WHERE THERE IS VIRUS IN THE SALIVA (it says MOSTLY where the person is severely ill)? If there is virus in the saliva why would it NOT be transmitted by air during talking or coughing?
 If one talks, droplets of saliva fall on the person one is talking to. (an authoritative site) says, "In laboratory settings, non-human primates exposed to aerosolized ebolavirus from pigs have become infected.."
Another thing: What if the patient has vomited or has a small amount of vomit in his/her mouth and sneezes or coughs or even talks?

 After searching for info for a long time re hand hygiene for Ebola I received this info from Public Health Agency of Canada:
"Based on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Care of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Filovirus Haemorrhagic Fever in Health-Care Settings, with Focus on Ebola, located at, the WHO recommended hand wash formulation is 80% Ethanol (v/v) or 75% Isopropanol (v/v). This concentration is recommended to reduce the risks associated with flammable alcohol products."

 HOW TO SURVIVE EBOLA. Interesting article at

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